若您有興趣加入我們的 Hulax 合作計畫,請提供以下資料, email給我們: wellbeingyogaprogram@gmail.com

1. 個人基本資料

2. 您的所在地(國家), 提供個人或店家之專業服務內容

3. 個人網站(FB, IG..等社群連結 )

申請標題:『Hulax 合作計畫』

我們收到來信後, 會進行初步書面審核, 若審核通過, 一週內會通知申請者進行線上會談。 若不通過將不個別通知, 敬請見諒。

If you are interested in joining our Hulax partnership program, Please provide the following data, email us : wellbeingyogaprogram@gmail.com

1. Basic personal information

2. Your location (country), providing personal or store professional service content

3. Personal website (FB, IG: and other community links.

Application Title: 『Hulax Partnership Program』

After we receive the letter, we will conduct a preliminary written review, and if the review is approved, the applicant will be notified for an online meeting within one week. We apologize for not notifying you individually.

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